About Wild Mag
What is Wild? Wild is adventure. Wild is conservation. Wild is wilderness. Wild is, and has been for nearly 40 years, the inspiring voice of the Australian outdoors. Wild is self-reliance and challenge and sometimes doing it tough. While Wild is not necessarily hard-core, what it certainly is not is soft-core. It is not glamping. It is not about being pampered while experiencing the outdoors. Wild does not speak down to experienced adventurers. Although Wild is not inaccessible to those just starting out in the outdoors, our primary focus is on those with some level of experience. Every adventurer is only a beginner once in their outdoors career; for the next 30 or 40 years, they want material that speaks to them, not simplistic content aimed at the lowest common denominator. Wild does not look on conservation as a mere marketing tool. For nearly four decades, Wild has actively and fiercely fought for the environment. Campaigning to protect our wild places is part of our DNA. Lastly, Wild is about telling stories that matter, stories that resonate with our readers. Wild is about deep engagement. It is about inspiration. It is about passion.